Sunday, 28 November 2010

Version 2.0.0

Hello All -

A new version (2.0.0) of Pro edition has been released.  Normal service has now been resumed and I WILL address any issues that arise.

There will be an update re : localization and time options within the next few days, but in the meantime v2.0.0 should address the problems reported with the newer devices and latest Android versions.


  1. I like this app. I'm glad somebody has made a decent astronomy app. A couple thing I would like to addres: I find navigating to be a little un intuitive. I would prefer not to be confined by the acids point of the zenith. Zooming in and out is a bit quirky. I was trying to zoom in on the orion nebula and the when I was close all the stars in that area disappeared. Messier objects aren't labeled. If you tap on a star it jumps to a close by deep space object or something. Pinching to zoom would be nice. Great app, keep up the awesome work.

  2. Will there also come a free version for a try-out?

  3. Yes, the updated free version will be available in the next few days!

  4. And thanks for the input Christopher, I realise there are a few things that need addressing so I'll try to get those in the next version (which will be ready in a matter of days)

  5. is it possible to pay it with paypal?

  6. On the HTC Desire HD the program crashes after "preparing sky data" ; Please help

  7. Sorry, it's not possible to pay with paypal I'm afraid :-(

    Re : the HTC desire problem - I'm working on a fix that will address the problem you mentioned and will incorporate it into the new version to be released over Christmas. Please bear with me, it's been a busy couple of weeks what with the holidays and Christmas approaching!

  8. Crash on Galaxy S.... The HTC fix will work on Galaxy too? Thanks.

  9. hy,

    the hollydays are over and no new version, i hope tnhe projrct is not death.
